Helping Family Businesses Thrive

Turn your most challenging business issues into your greatest growth opportunities. We help family business owners optimize team performance, maximize revenue and boost their company’s market valuation.

Are you ready for transformation?

Effective Systems

Increased Performance

Confident Leadership

Great businesses are built with great people.

Too often, business owners lack the time to truly connect with their team. There are just too many problems and too few hours in the day. 

By taking the time to understand how your people make choices, why they think the way they do, and what motivates them to do their best, you can improve retention and culture, ultimately boosting your bottom line.

Click the video to learn The Discovery Centre for Entrepreneurship can help.

Tana Plewes Headshot

Hi, I'm Tana Plewes.

I’m a human, like you. 

That’s what I see missing from so much leadership training: the human-ness, the messiness, the not-quite-having-it-all-togetherness. When I work with my clients, I start from a place of how things are in the real world. 

Theoretical knowledge matters, but no amount of training or education will click until you can get comfortable being uncomfortable. 

With proper guidance, vulnerability can be an incredible tool in driving forward and having the tough conversations that drive change. Because we both know that you didn’t sign up to be a glorified babysitter working 14-hour days. 

So how do I help? Systems. Systems are the solution to every business challenge, whether solving a problem, righting an injustice, or creating something new. Since 1996 I have been helping clients unleash their potential with systems-thinking.

Tana Plewes Portrait for The Possibility Process

Profit is the result of smart systems skillfully executed by ordinary people. Economic development is the result of employers and employees working together to build healthy, profitable businesses.

Wondering what it's like to work with us?

Here's What Our Clients Have Said

We’ve made huge progress in the last 12 months. I think I’m three times more effective than I was a year ago.
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Family Business Owner
Kelowna, BC
The lengths you have gone to and continue to go to for the best and highest of this mission and for each of us it is truly astonishing and beyond admirable!
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Family Business Owner
Flint, MI
There's no handbook on how to run a business, but DCE simplifies the process. Every time challenges came, they helped me discover a solution--ten times out of ten.
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Family Business Owner
Langley, BC
It's obvious we need a new way to understand leadership and management. Old systems just don't work. Tana Plewes provides a refreshing new vision that changes the game when it comes to leading people and producing the best possible outcomes.
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Reilly, NC
I've owned this business for 20 years and watched all of us transform from chaos to clarity, with structured meetings where everyone reports and we create clear, unified plans together.
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Business Owner
Flint, MI
My insecurities used to come up when I talked to the boss and I'd get defensive. Now I can listen objectively without getting elevated. Communication and gaining more clarity has been helpful for the team. Working with DCE made a night and day difference for everyone.
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Flint, MI

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