The DCE Code of Honour 

Our Code of Honour defines how we work as individuals and as a team. It’s a personal commitment of how we ‘show up’ in the world—even when no one is watching or when facing tough challenges. In fact, the Code of Honour extends to Discovery Centre for Entrepreneurship’s delivery partners, licensed facilitators, and the clients who engage us to work with their organizations.  It’s a tool we use to hold one another accountable for being our best…and doing our best work. No political posturing, game playing or wasting each others time. This tool helps all parties determine if the business relationship will be a good fit.

Code of Honour — Part 1

The first part of our honour code was inspired by bestselling author, Brené Brown’s, BRAVING checklist. Brown uses the acronym BRAVING to describe the seven elements of trust that emerged from her research as both useful in trusting others and trusting ourselves.

Dan Ariely’s research in the field of Behavioural Economics demonstrates the profound impact adopting a Code of Honour can have on people’s behaviour and the bottom line of a business. It’s a small thing that makes a BIG difference on many levels.
You respect my boundaries, and when you’re not clear about what’s okay and not okay, you ask. You’re willing to say no.
You do what you say you’ll do. At work, this means staying aware of your competencies and limitations so that you don’t over promise and are able to deliver on commitments and balance competing priorities.
You own your mistakes, apologize, and make amends.
You don’t share information or experiences that are not yours to share. I need to know that my confidences are kept, and that you’re not sharing information with me about other people that should be confidential.
You choose courage over comfort. You choose what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy. And you choose to practice your values rather than simply professing them.
I can ask for what I need, and you can ask for what you need. We can talk about how we feel without judgment.
I can ask for what I need, and you can ask for what you need. We can talk about how we feel without judgment.
The BRAVING checklist is from the book RISING STRONG by Brené Brown. Copyright © 2015 by Brené Brown.

Code of Honour — Part 2

The second part of the Code of Honour is a co-creation based on the specific needs of your team and desired outcomes for your business. In most cases, what’s missing is a strategic operational plan and framework for implementing it.

However, your Customer Agreement defines the nature and scope of tactical and strategic work to be done in your workplace. The systems and processes we create together for your company can be ‘white labeled’ for your business and are guaranteed to accelerate team learning, enhance performance, and worker satisfaction. Effectiveness enhances customer service, company reputation, and ultimately increases the value of your business. The resulting new business systems become Intellectual Property assets of your business.

Ready to work together?

If you know it’s time to set up systems to transform your business, we'd love to help. We offer training, coaching and done-for-you services that empower business owners to gain more freedom in their life and scalability in their business.
(604) 819-1460
2287 Pine Vista Place
West Kelowna, BC

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