Systems Overhaul

Total Business Transformation

Are you ready to take your family business
Are you ready to take your family business
Are you ready to take your business

This pathway is for businesses seeking hands-on, professional facilitation or team engagement with actionable, bite-sized tools & learning experiences.

Over 6 or 12 months, we’ll work with you and your team to:

  • Create an environment of trust, transparency and innovation
  • Decrease your stress and overwhelm as a business owner
  • Leverage your time and increase efficiency
  • Improve team engagement and collaboration
  • Build confident leadership 
rocket ship
rocket ship exhaust cloud

Maximize impact & profitability

Magical integrations happen where real human behaviour and business improvement combine.

That’s why we focus on emergent systems: the new, exciting and unpredictable outcomes of working together and combining your ideas. 

For most companies, this usually requires a complete system overhaul and lots of unlearning in order for new learning and behaviour to displace business as usual.

Be warned – this work takes guts and grit to honestly confront what isn’t working in your business. But the longer you avoid the reality of dealing with unintended consequences, the worse the situation gets. 

We’re here to help you have uncomfortable conversations, so you can go from burned out business owner to confident, effective leader.

Coworkers collaborating in a meeting
Coworkers collaborating in a meeting

A Systems Overhaul is for you if: 

How is The Systems Overhaul Different from The Possibility Heatmap?

The Possibility Heatmap is our transformational system that empowers business owners to diagnose their business, identify systemic solutions and put an action plan into place themselves. 

The Systems Overhaul is a 1 to 1 facilitation where we work with you and your team to customize and implement a company-wide development plan with actionable, bite-sized tools and learning experiences. 

We recommend starting with the Possibility Heatmap, as it lays the foundation for the work we do in the Systems Overhaul. However, if you prefer to work together through the entire process, reach out and we may be able to put together a custom package if our capacity allows.

What to Expect

Creating a Systems-Based Leadership Model involves four phases:


The Possibility Heatmap


The Possibility Heatmap

The Possibility Heatmap

Action Framework

Systems Overhaul

Action Sprint

Systems Overhaul

Systems Overhaul


This phase is designed to get a scope of the core issues in your business. Everyone, from the owner to managers, to the most junior employees, will have an opinion about what is or isn’t working, and “how things got to be this way.” We’ll go beyond the symptoms, figure out the root cause of each problem, and start to look at how it’s all connected. 


Then, we reverse engineer the business and culture for optimal performance – before the work begins. By working backwards, we can design the learning experiences and structures needed to support new ways of thinking and acting across the organization.

Action Framework

Now, you’ll begin 90-day Power Cycles where your team will learn by doing and engage in a dynamic, co-creation process. You choose the scope of work that is realistic and manageable for your operations. We’ll support you and your team through live coaching, consulting, group facilitation, and asynchronous support. 

Action Sprint

Finally, you’ll put everything into practice. Each sprint builds upon the last as your team applies new tools, frameworks and strategies for continuous improvement. Success is measured by tangible results and cost-effective solutions to problems. In addition to transforming the culture and performance of your business, you will be left with valuable intellectual property that increases the market value of your business. 

Are you ready to enjoy the compounding benefits of Systems Leadership?

Book a call with us today to get more information and see if this solution is right for you. 

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