Transform your community from the inside out.

The Action Research from The Discovery Centre for Entrepreneurship fosters the development of lifelong skills to achieve sustainable business growth.

From emerging entrepreneurs to established businesses, we nurture the untapped talents in your community and help them thrive.

Measurable, meaningful wins for your community

Community economic developers see direct benefits when local employers (or local business) work with DCE.

We have the tools, professional network and experience to help your community succeed.

Our approach

Community economic development challenges are unique and your local businesses deserve more than a one-size-fits-all approach.

In Action Research, we guide participants in strengthening the foundation of their business. Our tools and training create workplaces that work for everyone: customers, employees, suppliers and lenders.

The outcomes include:

  • Generating more revenue
  • Sustainable employee retention
  • Improving company culture
  • Optimizing operational efficiency
  • Scaling teams and service offerings
  • Generating more revenue
Two businesswomen writing on a whiteboard
Man in an office looking inspired and holding a tablet

Who is The Action Research for?

Our programs are designed for:

  • Emerging business leaders seeking entrepreneur training and mentorship
  • Established business leaders facing operational workplace challenges
  • Community members with the potential to develop, grow, and attract a workforce

How The Action Research Works

This holistic workplace talent development program accommodates online or in-person facilitation. It is available to businesses and entrepreneurs across Canada.

Customized, needs-based programming (regional or industry specific) requires 3-12 months of engagement based on the scope of work, number of stakeholders, and size of the delivery team.

The program is delivered in three phases: 

1. Needs Assessment, 2. Community Engagement Planning Day, 3. Implementation of Community Action Plan

As a result of this engagement, economic developers gain insights about the growth needs of local businesses and the skills development capacities of the local workforce. You can’t obtain this kind of market intelligence through surveys and site visitations. The truth about what’s working and not working in business communities travels through networks of trust.  

Have a trailblazer in mind? Connect with us today to see if DCE is the right fit.

Meet Your Facilitator

Hi, I'm Tana Plewes.

I’m an author, founder, and facilitator at The Discovery Centre for Entrepreneurship. 

30+ years of pioneering systemic change in projects spanning labour market development, business retention and expansion, youth empowerment, and regional economic development has taught me that every community has the human catalysts it needs to create and sustain meaningful growth.

We help empower local business leaders with hands-on implementation guidance to achieve their goals, and provide participants with the toolset to carry systems-thinking forward in actionable ways and to build upon their success year after year. 

Tana Plewes Headshot

What our community partners are saying

Tana is a 'bright light.' Her work is highly competent and professional, and her team strives to understand and achieve objectives and expectations.
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Chief of Recreational Fisheries
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tana has a unique ability to integrate many of our existing tools with new resources to create a solution-oriented process that meets the diverse needs and expectations of the business community.
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Economic Developer
Tana's work ethic, optimism, and a 'can do' attitude are highly contagious and a welcome change from some of the other firms we have worked with.
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Economic Developer

More about Partners in Possibility

Thriving communities are led by businesses with solid core values.  As part of our facilitation process, we introduce Partners in Possibility to our communities. 

Partners in Possibility are trailblazing business leaders who commit to our Code of Honor and meet our Conditions of Readiness. These commitments provide a roadmap for sustaining a clear vision for growth and ensure principled, high-value business operations. 

When you have a group of business leaders committed to Partners in Possibility, you have a foundation to grow and sustain economic prosperity peer-to-peer. It’s a network that’s rooted in hard-working people empowered by systems-thinking. 

Our work at DCE is to facilitate the discovery and connection of local businesses and prepare them to scale their businesses and become DCE referral partners through Partners in Possibility.

Let’s discover what’s possible. Together.

“Just wanted to let you know that the members of the EDC really liked the report! I don't think I have seen them quite this excited before. One of them had a copy with more highlighting in it than I could have imagined!
They have asked, as a next step, to allow more time at their next meeting to look over the strategies and prioritize for themselves what to do next. Also a VERY good sign.”
Great work! Thanks again.

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